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Where Is My Download Folder On Mac

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Where Is My Download Folder On Mac

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To create a document for use in a particular app, open that app, then use its File menu to create a new document.. • Choose File > New Folder from the Finder menu bar This works for folders, not documents. HERE

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You can save documents wherever you want, or move them to other folders after saving them.. Some folders can't be renamed, including these: Applications: Your apps (programs) go in this folder.. To change the name of a folder: Click the folder once to select it Press the Return key on your keyboard, type a new name, then press Return again.. Desktop: Your Desktop folder and your provide two ways of viewing the same files, so anything that you put in the Desktop folder also appears on your desktop..  For example, to see the pictures or movies you imported into Photos, open the Photos app. Click

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To move a folder or file into another folder: Drag the item onto the closed folder.. Downloads: Safari and other apps save downloaded files to this folder Music, Pictures, and Movies: Some apps store their libraries of music, pictures, or other media in these folders, though the items in a library might be available only within its app.. To create a folder: Click where you want the folder to appear, such as on the desktop or in another window.. Or double-click the folder to open it, then drag the item into the folder window.. Documents: When you use an app to create and save a new document, the app might save your document here. Click

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